SLF4J and making JUL shut up

I’ve decided to switch to the Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J) plus Logback to bridge java.util.logging (JUL), Log4J, and Apache Commons Logging all into one log output.

Problem is, JUL won’t shut up. Frameworks that log to JUL output the log to the console, and then SLF4J repeats it right after. However, putting this code in before running SLF4BridgeHandler.install() seems to fix it:

java.util.logging.Logger root_logger = java.util.logging.LogManager.getLogManager().getLogger("");

java.util.logging.Handler[] root_handlers = root_logger.getHandlers();


Now I get one single log output alone.

Written by
Open Source software architect and technologist. He's just this guy, you know? Follow him him on Google+.
Published in
Transmissions from the Little Blue Marble

Published February 15th, 2010


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